Thursday, 26 August 2010

Donner und Blitzen und Popstars

The rain is falling hard over Frankfurt. At about seven o'clock the sky dimmed and it started to pour with rain. I heard thunder and saw the flash of lightning and a little girl was running along the street outside the kitchen window and squealing as her umbrella wasn't quite as good a protection from the elements as she had hoped. And it was supposed to be 27 degrees today.

I decided to use my time indoors productively and watch 'Popstars: girls forever', which is the German version of  'Popstars' of course. Here it is not a talent show, but a 'Casting-Show' and from the subtitle you may also have gathered they are trying to form a girl band this year.

The panel has its own version of Paula Abdul, Marta. During one candidate's rendition of 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera, she crouched behind the desk and danced among the jury's chairs, while lip-synching to the the song.

There were of course the usual stories and oddities as on any Casting-Show. There was the punk who told the presenter she was her ideal woman and then it cut to a VT of her telling her sob story of how she used to do drink and drugs. The jury liked her but not her singing.

A girl called Marie arrived dressed in her Oma's old frock and 70s sunglasses and then sang "the only song I like from the charts", 'Soul Sister', to great effect. At the call-back somehow her Facebook profile had been sourced and it was revealed she was just an actress and didn't really dress in Grandma clothes at all (I don't see the problem myself of course) and the choreographer man on the panel shook with rage that the jury had been used as an experiment.

It is still raining in Frankfurt and now I think it is time to go to sleep, with the not so gentle pattering of raindrops on the windowsill. Gute Nacht!

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