Monday, 9 August 2010

Schlager at 200km/h

On the plane I drank an apple juice. The man  and woman on my row both had tomato juice with salt and pepper. The woman claimed to the man it was delicious but I don't believe her.

We arrived at Frankfurt somewhat 'surprisingly.' So there was noone to drive the Luftbrücke (bridge from plane to terminal) for us. So we sat on the plane for 15 minutes (I enjoyed the view of the bags being unloaded) until they decided we weren't getting a Luftbrücke after all and we would go in busses. From the bus I saw five Volkswagen Golfs all parked next to each other in a row.

I was going to get the train into town and then get a taxi and then realised I was pulling along two suitcases and carrying an overfilled laptop bag and thought better of it. I got in a taxi. I managed to tell the driver where I wanted to go but stumbled over the house number. After nine years I was hoping I could pronounce numbers but apparently that is not always the case.

The driver decided to try out his English and despite our tutors' warnings not to fall into the trap of speaking English, I was a bit tired and I didn't mind too much. "Which way should I go?" I said to go whichever way he thought was quicker. We went on the Autobahn. As Schalger hits blared from a golden-oldies station we hit 200km/h (124mph) and I feared that ,Ein knallrotes Gummiboot' would be the last thing I would ever hear.

Ein Knallrotes Gummiboot

We got to the house and I was met by some German revellers, one of whom carried my heavier suitcase up the steps - what a gent! My flatmates were hosting a party (partly as a welcome) and apparently I didn't need to worry about not knowing everyone, as neither did they! I was presented with a Mojito and unpacked a couple of things before joining the party. I have to say I was a little tired to be fully in the party mood but I did have a good time and met people from at least 7 different countries. Frankfurt is a very international city.

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